Renée Tretinik

Massage Therapist

For Renée, each bodywork/massage session is tailored to the client — as they present that day — combining education, intuition, and as many modalities as needed.



Halfway through her 18-month Somatic Therapy Program, she was asked to join the 16-month-long Wholistic Energy Program. She graduated, passed the National Boards with high marks and could not pass up the opportunity to take the Zen Shiatsu Program — another 16 months.

She has since added NeuroStim, herbs and oils — both therapeutic and aromatherapy — and facia work.

While studying healing, Renée embraced many areas and now bring years of formal education and experience to facilitate healing for each client.

She started her education with Somatic Therapy, which is taking the body as a whole, not just treating a shoulder or knee that hurts. She was just going to learn massage, but quickly realized she wanted more "tools" to facilitate healing in as many ways as possible.

Her clients include individuals from age 10 to 96 years old. She embraces any client who is looking for healing.

She offers early morning hours starting at 5 a.m.

Services Provided





Healing Oils and Herbs


Booking a Session

Please call 314-449-3890 for more information.

Payment Options

For her services you may pay by cash or check.


Massage and Bodywork (includes CBD oil)

$90 for 60 minutes

$115 for 90 minutes

